Here are 5 good reasons why digital marketing should be taken seriously in B2B companies in 2023

Picture of Sebastian Iskra

Sebastian Iskra

Founder B2B Marketing Consulting & Performance Marketing Enthusiast

Many B2B marketers know the struggle of being seen as a supporting department for sales, especially in companies with exceptionally long buyer journeys 🙄

Bar chart showing indexed percentage of customers by generation who report high scepticism of sales representative claims

With the journeys being highly complex it can be difficult to measure and keep track of each and every touchpoint making it even more difficult to argue in favour of certain marketing activities.
In some companies, this might lead to a waterfall of opinions about what marketing really is or even the questioning of its existence.😤
But the truth is marketing and especially digital marketing matter more than ever in B2B.
Gartner stated five good reasons why 👇
⏱️Sales reps only have 5% of a customer’s total purchase time. An increasing amount of touchpoints are taking place online
 👧🏽The generational shift is changing the way B2B customers make decisions
 📱The shift from in-person sales interactions to digital channels is increasing
 🤔Customers see little value beyond their own learning from a sales interaction. They rather trust information researched on their
 🙅‍♂️44% of millennials prefer no sales rep. interaction in the B2B purchase process
Gartner emphasizes that B2B leaders who fail to shift significant focus and resources into creating rich digital experiences in the next 5 years are at risk of losing business as a result!💸
But it’s not all doom and gloom. Gartner has some recommendations on how to move towards a more digital sales-centred approach:
📱Shift organizational focus from sales as the primary channel to digital sales. Create rich and valuable content for customer decision support
💡 Rapidly build digital sales experiences to support customer self-learning & build ecosystems to minimize the complexity of key buying considerations.
🦾Accelerate beyond foundational analytics capabilities toward data fueled by customer engagement data, supplemented by AI-powered insights
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