5 Key Insights from Gary Vaynerchuk’s Marketing Strategy Keynote for B2B business Growth in 2023

Picture of Sebastian Iskra

Sebastian Iskra

Founder B2B Marketing Consulting & Performance Marketing Enthusiast

Here are 5 major takeaways from Gary Vaynerchuk’s B2B marketing strategy keynote in Romania end of 2021. You can also find the video below.

1. Marketing is a framework for medium & long-term business scaling, but it doesn‘t feel „natural“ to spend money on BRANDING. Supplement your lead gen efforts with demand gen campaigns.

2. Most companies don‘t do marketing but are just advertising sales assets. Start focusing on giving VALUE to your potential customers.

3. Linkedin as an opportunity for B2B companies: It absolutely has the potential to grow your business by 20-80%. Every B2B business should have at least 2x Ads on Linkedin.

4. Use organic reach as long it’s still available. Like on all the other social media platforms, it could VANISH in the next 12 months.

5. It’s much CHEAPER to effectively reach target audiences on LinkedIn than traditional advertising. Think about how much money you’d spend on a newspaper advertisement versus running one LinkedIn Ad. Furthermore, you have a much lower scatter loss if you do it right.


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